Don’t just come and visit the Sapphire Coast. Be a part of the story! Support the local environment and community of the Sapphire Coast while you’re here for an even more enriched experience. Wharf to Wharf Walk brings together and profiles local Sapphire Coast community groups that record our history and care for the natural environment. Check out their projects and get involved!
Notably, walkers have an opportunity to contribute to local environmental knowledge and records by participating in the Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness citizen science project during their hike. Make your walk special and record it in a unique way.
Wharf to Wharf Walk is a Community Project. It was initiated and developed by the Lions Clubs of Pambula-Merimbula and Tathra in cooperation with Bega Valley Shire Council, NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service and a wide range of community groups. The following community groups provide volunteer opportunities, workshops, educational forums and information. Contact them and see how you can help.
This project was funded by the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund through joint Commonwealth / State Disaster Recovery Funding arrangements, a Vinnies Community Bushfire Grant, Australian Lions Foundation General Grant and the Lions Club of Tathra.